What People Are Saying

I can’t recommend Danielle enough! She’s a brilliant proofreader! I came to her with a project that needed a lightning-quick turnaround, and she jumped in headfirst and did an exceptionally thorough job. She proofed my novel, Head Fake, in only a few days. Danielle found inconsistencies I wouldn’t have found in a thousand readings. She not only gave me fantastic recommendations but explained them in a clear and precise way. I want her to proofread everything I write: my next novel, short stories, my daily emails—everything!
— Scott Gordon, Author
I submitted a whopping 108K manuscript of historical fiction to Danielle and she went over it with such painstaking detail, that I was blown away by the feedback! She left comments that were helpful and encouraging, while also correcting the nuances of grammar and punctuation. Detailed edits and expert suggestions were made after asking me if I had any style in mind, and as I didn’t, she even created a personalised style sheet for me. Her micro-level editing and proofreading has helped transform my draft to a polished manuscript. Her turnaround time was short, her replies were prompt, and she even went above and beyond the call of duty by answering niggling questions I had after the edits. I wouldn’t have been able to have my manuscript ready for querying so soon if it weren’t for Danielle, and I’d highly recommend her editing and proofreading service to any writer, from those starting on their journey to more seasoned writers.
— Ramya Julian, Author
This was the editor I was looking for. Danielle is like a grammar ninja. Not only did she make corrections and suggestions, but she also took the time to explain why so I could (hopefully) avoid similar mistakes in the future. The project was completed on schedule, and she was super quick to reply to any emails along the way. She was also careful not to tromp on my voice, which was very much appreciated.
— Cheryl Huber Edwards, Author
I’ve hired several editors for my books over the years.
You never know what you’re going to get back, so my strategy is to try to trust my gut and hope for the best.
That’s what I did with Danielle.
She was obviously sharp and professional, and I felt confident that the investment in my book would be worth it.
And it was.
When I read her edits to the opening line of my novel, I knew I’d hired the right person.
Danielle made thousands (literally) of improvements to my book, including plot inconsistencies. She was professional, true to her word, and just a very pleasant person to work with.
If you want your book to be the best it can be, look no further than Danielle.
— Drew Rozell, Author
I was an aspiring author for over thirty years! It was a long road. But I finally finished my first novel. I was excited, nervous, unsure of my ability to write something that was any good, that anyone wanted to read. The next terrifying step was editing and finding an editor on the way to publishing— Then I found Danielle. After sorting through a number of potential candidates who fit what I was looking for, it was clear that she was the one. Danielle is both professional and down to earth, easy to talk to and communicate with. I wanted someone who went above and beyond the job of just editing and proofreading. That is what Danielle is all about. She is enthusiastically passionate about what she does. She will immerse herself in your work, as she did for me. She is knowledgeable and insightful, always looking to help make your project the best that it can be. Ask her anything about the world of writing, the process, the business. What she does not know, she will look to help you find the answers you need, and in turn, seek to discover what you have learned in order to broaden her own wealth of knowledge so that she can then better serve future clients. Danielle is committed to working for you and with you to achieve the greatest results. Don’t trust your words and work to just anyone. Trust in someone who cares about you and your success.
— Greg Armstrong, Author
Danielle went over and above to make our project flow better and read easier. We considered multiple editors and are confident we made the right choice. Her comments were both insightful and some even made us laugh. Thank you for making these first-time authors feel better about our project.
— Randy & Brandon Stone, Authors
I highly recommend working with Danielle! She was prompt, professional, and personable. She edited my manuscript with surgical precision and not only found inconsistencies but helped me find solutions to resolve them. From start to finish the process was clear and kept me honest while still building me up as a writer.
— Cole Barnhill, Author
As a newly self-published author I knew I had to find a pro editor and boy did I luck out finding Danielle!
From start to finish, her process was thorough, professional, concise and detailed. She found errors that I, my husband and three other sets of proofreading eyes did not. Not only that, she went above and beyond for my historical romance, spotting things like timeline inconsistencies and doing her own research into the story’s locations to ensure historical details were accurate. Not an easy task considering my story takes place in the 11th century! She even did research into the proper usage of “honorifics” (a word I learned from Danielle) for the time period and location of my story—in other words, should I call the king “Your Highness” or “Your Grace” and many other honorifics used throughout the story. And how are these nobles referred to by others? I did YEARS of research for this sort of thing and yet Danielle steered my story through many usage errors I didn’t see.
My take on Danielle is that she is a word surgeon of the highest order. She will find errors in your manuscript and remove them with merciless precision to leave you with a shiny, clean, professional manuscript. And besides being so competent, she also has a great sense of humor and a lightness of touch that kept me motivated throughout the process. She is also very prompt in her communication as well as sticking to her promised turnaround time.
One final yet very valuable part of working with Danielle is that I learned a LOT. Now, as I am writing the second book in my series, I feel that with this knowledge I can create a cleaner manuscript with hopefully much less work for her next time around!
— Harmony Grace, Author
Working with Danielle on a manuscript that I had read 100+ times proved what I have always believed—good editors are essential! As a writer, it’s difficult to look at my own words objectively, no matter how hard or how many times I try. Thankfully Danielle could and she caught and corrected some major errors. Phew!
— Kimberley Lovato, Travel Journalist and Book Author
The chance to work with Danielle came completely out of the blue, but I am so glad that it did! I have never worked with such a great editor that cared about conserving the voice and style of the author. She delicately touched up phrases, words and details that improved upon the original text without changing it drastically. The sharp eye that she has for grammar, punctuation and sentence structure is second to none. The speed at which she worked was phenomenal, and totally shocking to say the least since the quality of work was amazing. She even taught me a thing or two about formatting which has ended up helping me with my day to day writing! You’re probably asking yourself if you should use her as your editor if you’re reading testimonials about her, let me answer that question for you with a resounding ‘YES!’
— Jeff Kinnard, Author